La educación formal alternativa (EFA) y la virtualización en el marco de la pandemia


  • María Bonicatto
  • Mercedes Iparraguirre
  • Mariana Santín
  • Sergio Serrichio
  • Agustín Otero


Alternative formal education, University functions, Management


e article proposes to present the advances of the investigation "Alternative Formal Education (EFA) an opportunity to advance in integral university practices" within the framework of the reflections and contributions to the decision-making that implied the emergence of Covid 19, making Emphasis on what happened during the enrollment in March 2021. It is also proposed to reflect on the difficulties encountered by the proposal to be understood as part of the academic scheme of the UNLP in which their undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate trajectories are framed from of the tension caused by its location between the teaching function and the extension function. A feedback exercise is proposed for a team that seeks to integrate the challenges  imposed by decisionmaking in real time, with the investigative task that a work plan implies within the framework of a research project.


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Author Biographies

María Bonicatto

FTS. UNLP, Argentina

Mercedes Iparraguirre

FTS. UNLP, Argentina

Mariana Santín

FTS. UNLP, Argentina

Sergio Serrichio

FTS. UNLP, Argentina

Agustín Otero

UNLP, Argentina


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How to Cite

Bonicatto, M., Iparraguirre, M., Santín, M., Serrichio, S., & Otero, A. (2022). La educación formal alternativa (EFA) y la virtualización en el marco de la pandemia. Escenarios, (34). Retrieved from



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