Accesses, uses and perceptions of audiovisual content on YouTube

A look into technical high school students


  • Lucila Dughera
  • Fernando Raúl Alfredo Bordignon



learning, YouTube, students, technical high schools


The platforms have had in the last decade, at least, a continuous and accelerated growth. Within this context, young people make these uses are significant. YouTube is no stranger to this phenomenon, even more so it has gained relevance not only in quantitative terms, but also in qualitative terms. That is, both in the number of subscribers and views, and in the variety of content offered. Thus, in a broader horizon that allows us to understand the learning processes that young people deploy in those spaces, we propose, on the one hand, to characterize the uses of YouTube made by school students techniques of popular sectors and, on the other hand, describe the perceptions that these actors have regarding this platform as a space for solving problems linked to both informal and formal education. Methodologically, we present the results of an online survey carried out among students of the basic cycle of technical public secondary schools of the La Matanza district in 2019.


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How to Cite

Dughera, L., & Bordignon, F. R. A. . (2021). Accesses, uses and perceptions of audiovisual content on YouTube: A look into technical high school students. Hipertextos, 9(15), 125–142.


