Radar policies and technologies: The case of Argentina in the Latin American context


  • Sofia Foladori-Invernizzi




dual technology, radar technology, radarization policies, scientific technological dependence


The development of radars dates back to a few years before World War II, and its name derives from an acronym: Radio Detection and Ranging. In this work, taking the case of radar technology in Argentina, we present some challenges to achieve technological autonomy in peripheral countries. In Argentina, the production of national radars occurred much later than in industrialized countries. Until the early 2000s, the radarization policies in Argentina were not effective, and many of the plans that started were discontinued. However, even late in the international context, Argentina stands out as pioneer on radar technology in the Latin American context. Examining the case of radars in Argentina, we can discuss some crucial issues in the area of science and technology, such as technology transfer, scientific dependence and dual technology. Given the dual characteristic of radars, geopolitical issues and historical moments constitute a central point in their development. From the analysis carried out, we can conclude the importance and prominent role of Argentina in the Latin American context with respect to radar technology. In a few years they passed from having a small portion of the national territory covered by radars to covering practically the entire national area, a change that occurred only after the beginning of national production of radars. The importance of technological autonomy in Argentina and the central role played by the INVAP Company are also highlighted. Finally, it is necessary to reflect on the need for continuous and systematic support from the state to allow for technological autonomy in cases such as the one analyzed in this paper. In high-tech areas, the achievements of peripheral countries are threatened by the accelerated dynamics of innovation led by central countries.


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How to Cite

Foladori-Invernizzi, S. (2021). Radar policies and technologies: The case of Argentina in the Latin American context. Hipertextos, 9(15), 143–156. https://doi.org/10.24215/23143924e032


