Event of the copy: Notes for the study of pirate machines


  • Fernando Ruiz Molina CESJM - ENAH




piracy, pirataje, copy cultures, appropriation, global popular culture


The present work is the product of an incursion into a part of the unfathomable world of piracy, with the purpose of conceptualizing its breaks, movements and operations, based on the observation of the transformations and distortions experienced in the degradation, adaptation, extraction, deterritorialization and reterritorialization of the semiotic components of the same object in the event of its copy, and its subsequent conceptualization. We postulate this process as pirataje. These pirataje, effects that in turn detonate other objects-copy (altering production) ad infinitum. This article derives from a doctoral research that aimed the study and decomposition of the fixing operations (deterritorialization and reterritorialization) pursued by the current regime, as well as the decomposition of the objects produced and copied, which are not necessarily in themselves illegal, a priori, but illegalized (through temporary political-commercial restrictions and speeches). In addition to the analysis of a body of pirate manifestos and other ethnographies, this article is an introductory work to the Studies on Piracy and Pirate Modernities, and offers a perspective that not only deconstructs and allows us to think about the phenomenon from its aesthetic potential, but in relation to the dynamics, movements and operations of a capitalism that has become semiotic, with valorization and revalorization dynamics, and much more intensified forms of exploitation. Piracy is the mirror of this stadium.


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Author Biography

Fernando Ruiz Molina, CESJM - ENAH

Doctor en Comunicación y Política por la Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana-Unidad Xochimilco. Colaborador y miembro del Círculo de Estudios sobre Subcultura Japonesa en México (CESJM), en donde hace investigación sobre China y Japón. Corresponsable del Seminario Japón y los Imaginarios Culturales, del Posgrado en Antropología Social (Escuela Nacional de Antropología e Historia) y el CESJM, con sede en Museo Nacional de las Culturas del Mundo-INAH. Docente en el Posgrado de Antropología Social de la ENAH, la Universidad Autónoma de la Ciudad de México y la Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana-Iztapalapa. Sus líneas de investigación son las Piraterías y las Modernidades Piratas, los Afectos, el Urbanismo Media, los Estudios Japoneses, así como la cultura popular asiática contemporánea. Contacto: ruizfer.mol@gmail.com /fernando.ruizm@enah.edu.mx


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How to Cite

Ruiz Molina, F. (2021). Event of the copy: Notes for the study of pirate machines. Hipertextos, 9(16), 35–54. https://doi.org/10.24215/23143924e039


