Approach to the relationship between ethical values and academic achievement in virtual training programs
ethical values, virtual training scenarios, virtual education, social representations, social imaginariesAbstract
The purpose of this work is to determine(establish) the relationship between ethical values and academic achievements in virtual education scenarios from an investigation of the concurrent social representations in the social imaginary, analyzing the narrative discourse of the students of the Social Communication career at the University of The Andes in Merida Venezuela. We have oriented the research, after 2 years of the forced start of online activities due to the COVID 19 pandemic, to the ethos of undergraduate students who take their courses through the use of virtual classrooms on the Moodle platform, given that the Unexpected transition from in person to virtual, coupled with the circumstances of the country's reality, have impacted the student sector in different dimensions from not giving up education to actually achieving academic success. To do this, we have used the qualitative, ethnographic, descriptive research methodology, based on a bibliographic design, applying an open, unstructured questionnaire online, to an intentional and non-probabilistic sample of the population of students belonging to the Career of Social Communication of the School of Audiovisual Media o the University of the Andes from 2nd to 4th year, from which the lexicometric analysis (analyze, categorize and select) of the discourse could be carried out, to verify the collective construction of the corpus of values that allowed proceeding through the graphic representation of the ethical values to the design of a text cloud, in which the social imaginary was identified as a description tool, and later to study the results and contrast them with the theoretical positions generating a reflection inherent to the role that these values have in regards the achievement of the academic success of the undergraduate students in the relationship dynamics in virtual education.
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