Cities and control diagram

theoretical elements about circulation platforms




platformization, circulation, navigation and traffic, ride-hailing, power


Latin American cities stage the dispersion of circulation, transport and mobility platforms. This theoretical paper seeks to retrieve conceptual contributions –from post-structuralism and media studies– that allow understanding platformization as realization of a control power operating on main events of multiplicities in open spaces. Therefore, firstly, it will recover some conceptual traditions that have perceived the growing comparisons –forged with the coming of late capitalism– between cities and information machines; these traditions, also, have extracted consequences for new modes of subjectivation. Then, this study will return to the notion of power relations diagram in cities (as reticular realities) and –with the distinction between data, directions and algorithms– the example of circulation will be researched. Finally, under the parallel between cities and media, the article will follow some updated power strategies in the deployment of navigation and traffic and ride-hailing platforms.



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How to Cite

Rossi, L. S. (2023). Cities and control diagram: theoretical elements about circulation platforms. Hipertextos, 11(19), 063.


