Transhumans and Cyborgs: Boundaries and Horizons in the Possibilities of Existence of Hybrid Subjectivities
filosofía positiva, prácticas de sí, cyborgismo, transhumanismo, teoría críticaAbstract
This paper aims to reflect on the internal boundaries and horizons projected through the transhumanist and cyborg movements. Both actors, cyborgs and transhumans, present themselves as a type of hybrid subjectivity that originates in the body/machine - mind/software alloy. In the current stage of capitalism, scientific and technological developments have a broad impact on societies and the individuals within them, at different levels and intensities. In this sense, it is of interest to consider the voices of the actors of both movements with a perspective that, within the positions of cognitive capitalism, considers in the differentiation between cyborgs and transhumans the different perspectives on the role of science and technological progress in societies. This analysis aims to expand the view towards new forms of life, perceptions of oneself, others and the world around. Expert knowledge, technological development, digital information and its influence on the minds and bodies of individuals open the doors to explore these types of subjectivities that are formed in the alloy with the improvements that technology can offer.
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