Chano Charpentier: a case-prism of the discursive circulation of the National Mental Health Law 26,657 in hyper-mediatized societies
mental health, mass media and new internet-based media, hypermedia circulation theory, National Mental Health Law 26,657, Chano CharpentierAbstract
The objective of this work is to account for the process of discursive production and contemporary circulation that occurs in the mass media and the new media based on the Internet, regarding mental health and particularly National Law 26,657. To this end, the events reported in the media between July 25 and August 12, 2021 related to Santiago Moreno Charpentier, better known as Chano, who, after going through an episode of subjective crisis, generated multiple debates of social interest. In the media. We understand the case of Chano Charpentier as a privileged case-prism or analyzer that allows us to reflect, refract and break down an urgent issue-problem for society such as mental health, by presenting traits that make him a privileged analyzer: a protagonist of public interest, debates that contribute to the construction and support of the media discourse of the political rift; and it brings together topics such as violence, the police, the place of institutions, addictions and mental health. It admits to study contemporary culture characterized by circulation processes in a hyper-mediatized society and to investigate communication practices and discursive productions regarding the regulations of interest. The research methodology used for this work takes up the contributions of discourse analysis and sociosemiotics (Verón, 1987) and uses the tools of the hypermedia circulation theory (Carlón, 2015, 2021). Likewise, the current debates regarding the processes of medicalization in the 21st century are resumed (Bianchi, 2019a).
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