No basta con Twittear. #NoMásAFP ante el sistema de pensiones en Chile


  • Rocío Knipp
  • Jorge Valdebenito Conicyt, Universidad de Valparaíso
  • Andrés Barriga


Twitter, hastag, pension system, AFP, Chile


This research analyses the link established between social mobilization processes and the use of digital resources based on Internet social networks, following the experience of the No+AFP movement in Chile. With critical points during mid-2016, it is identified that such a link is mainly related to the dissemination of key information, proposals for change, and calls for protest marches and offline meetings by its organizers. However, the study also questions the conditions that led to its decline during the same year, and the relative function that the use of the hashtag #NoMásAFP served. This gives special attention to the deployment of media reaction strategies by the beneficiary economic groups of the current system and owners of mass media in Chile. The conclusions point to discuss the need to design programs that strategically consider response capabilities, online and offline, by protest movements against conservative and/or neoliberal reactions.


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Author Biographies

Rocío Knipp

Licenciada y magíster en Lingüística y Literatura Inglesa. Pedagogía en Inglés, Universidad Mayor, Santiago, Chile.

Jorge Valdebenito, Conicyt, Universidad de Valparaíso

Sociólogo, doctorante en Estudios Interdisciplinarios, Universidad de Valparaíso, Chile. Becario Conicyt 21171000.

Andrés Barriga

Licenciado en Ciencias Políticas y Gubernamentales, mención Gestión Pública. Universidad de Chile, Santiago, Chile.



How to Cite

Rocío Knipp, Jorge Valdebenito, & Andrés Barriga. (2019). No basta con Twittear. #NoMásAFP ante el sistema de pensiones en Chile. Hipertextos, 6(9), 153–190. Retrieved from


