A Critical Political Economic Framework for Peer Production’s Relation to Capitalism


  • Arwid Lund


peer production, p2p movement, mode of production, critical political economy, Marxism


This article examines the relation between peer production and capitalism on a systemic and theoretical level. One problem with understanding peer production as an alternative and potentially competing mode of production in relation to capitalism is that the main bulk of economic theory deals only with capitalism. Alternative economic theories from an emerging theoretical P2P movement have done important pioneer work on commons-based peer production, and in discussing its sustainability as a mode of production both on a systemic and individual level (for the peer producers) within capitalism. This article argues that the disadvantages of the P2P movement’s theoretical framework, compared to a Marxist one, have their roots in an evolutionist motif, and the article aims to situate peer production more clearly in relation to the workings of capital, and in relation to a Marxist understanding of the potential for political agencies and counter-powers to emerge from capital’s outside.


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Author Biography

Arwid Lund

Arwid Lund es investigador principal y profesor en el departamento de Artes y Ciencias Culturales de la Universidad de Lund, Suecia. Sus trabajos de investigación incluyen estudios sobre redes sociales, datos abiertos, conocimiento abierto, acceso abierto, teoría crítica, producción y organización de conocimiento / información, historia de las enciclopedias, folksonomías y web 2.0, patrimonio cultural, archivos electrónicos, software libre y abierto, bienes comunes, producción entre iguales y economía política.



How to Cite

Arwid Lund. (2019). A Critical Political Economic Framework for Peer Production’s Relation to Capitalism. Hipertextos, 5(7), 15–40. Retrieved from https://revistas.unlp.edu.ar/hipertextos/article/view/7758


