Las redes sociales como espacio de construcción identitaria


  • Franco Frenquelli


Technique, Communication mediated by computers, Social networks, Identity, Market


The central place that social networks today have as a daily communication channel merits to think about how the ego is represented and interacts with the other under the rules imposed by the architecture of the digital platform. It’s in these spaces that the subject develops himself and makes sense, in a context of deformation that modern institutions, in retreat, are suffering. To understand this phenomenon in its complexity, is essential to know the elements that make up a profile, as a representation of the user, without leaving aside the implications of Computer-mediated Communication. From these conceptualizations is that we can approach the characteristics of the design of social networks, always taking care about the place of market’s logic and how it’s translated into practices and virtual spaces where the subject recognizes his peers and himself, In its process of identity’s construction, in contact with world’s present. Understanding the importance of the issue, the deep and critical view involves thinking technology necessarily as a stage of struggle.


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Author Biography

Franco Frenquelli

Estudiante de Ciencias de la Comunicación en la Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBA), tesista de investigación en temática de subjetividad y redes sociales.



How to Cite

Franco Frenquelli. (2019). Las redes sociales como espacio de construcción identitaria. Hipertextos, 5(7), 56–84. Retrieved from


