Accelerating Amphoric Epigraphy Studies. Analysis Tools for his Visualization


  • Jordi Pérez González Universitat de Girona
  • Juan Manuel Bermúdez Lorenzo Universidad Rey Juan Carlos



Ancient History, Amphoric Epigraphy, Visualizations, patterns, Digital Humanities


One of the most repeated works in any research related to the study of material culture and / or its epigraphy is usually that of the elaboration of graphs and maps of the analyzed data. This provides a general or detailed view of the set of materials collected, with the intention of observing similarities or differences between these or other data. Here is a brief summary of the phenomenon linked to the digitization of amphorae epigraphy catalogs and its current link to analysis tools developed within the framework of Digital Humanities. In this case, we script the use of CEIPAC's amphoric visualization interface: Roman Open Data (


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How to Cite

Pérez González, J., & Bermúdez Lorenzo, J. M. (2020). Accelerating Amphoric Epigraphy Studies. Analysis Tools for his Visualization. Publicaciones De La Asociación Argentina De Humanidades Digitales, 1, e003.