Observatório Fake News: Informational Sources and Resources in the Post-Truth Scene


  • Lorena Tavares de Paula Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais




Fake News, Post-Trut, Information Sources, Information Resources, Information Dissemination


This article presents the Observatório Fake News (Fake News Observatory) and its methodology for the development of studies about post-truth, fake news and audited information sources. From a methodological perspective, three dimensions are proposed for the collection, the analysis and the identification of fake news: the informational dimension, the cultural dimension and the technological dimension. Thus, from the selection and ordered analysis of fake news in typified categories such as health, politics, religion, advertising, science and technology and entertainment, it was possible to establish the concepts of source of audited information and audited spaces of information, which provide contributions to mitigate damages caused by the dissemination and interlocution actions with false information in the media spaces of the internet.


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How to Cite

Tavares de Paula, L. (2020). Observatório Fake News: Informational Sources and Resources in the Post-Truth Scene . Publicaciones De La Asociación Argentina De Humanidades Digitales, 1, e004. https://doi.org/10.24215/27187470e004