On Jack A. Rankin’s ways. Recogito or the Geo-visualization of a Travel Experience


  • Leonor Riesco Tagle Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile




Travellers, Chile 19th century, Digital Humanities, Spatial Humanities


This paper seeks to evaluate the possibilities of the tool Recogito when applied to the travel diary of Jack Rankin, an American who toured the Chilean territory between 1855 and 1862. The proposal aims to specifically reformulate the traditional way of working with travel diaries by converting the story into graphic format. This geovisualization of the route along with synthesizing almost 400 pages in a single image entails a creative project that offers humanistic analysis a more concrete perspective of the traveler’s geographical experience and at the same time, it opens the fields to new and more comprehensive lines of research.


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How to Cite

Riesco Tagle, L. (2020). On Jack A. Rankin’s ways. Recogito or the Geo-visualization of a Travel Experience. Publicaciones De La Asociación Argentina De Humanidades Digitales, 1, e005. https://doi.org/10.24215/27187470e005