Analysis of the Digital Edition of a Story from 19th Century through Voyant Tools


  • Cristian Suárez Giraldo Universidad EAFIT



Textual analysis, Voyant Tools, Digital edition, Colombian narrative


Hojas sueltas was a type of publication that circulated in Colombia during the second half of the eighteenth century and the beginning of the nineteenth century. They were short and non-serial publications that promoted the disclosure of various aspects of daily life, such as culture, religion, economy, and politics. “Conversación entre un zapatero y un agrícola de Facatativá sobre la cazería[sic] del Sábado Santo” is a story published in 1839 in Bogotá by the José Ayarza printing press, under that publication format. Through an analysis of the textual corpus, using the Voyant Tools tool, in this article two analytical mechanisms are proposed: an intertextual and intradiegetic comparison of the three websites where the digitized version of the story is hosted and a description of the discursive lines to be found. based on critical reviews prepared by literature students. It is concluded that Voyant Tools is a useful tool to describe discursive lines of a textual corpus and that it can serve as an input to analyze the discourse or thematic trends present in the opinions and reflections of a group.


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Anónimo. (1839). Conversación entre un zapatero y un agrícola de Facatativá sobre la cazería del Sábado Santo. Impreso por J. Ayarza. Biblioteca Virtual del Banco de la República.

Anónimo. (1839). Conversación entre un zapatero y un agrícola de Facatativá sobre la cazería del Sábado Santo. Impreso por J. Ayarza. Biblioteca Virtual Miguel de Cervantes.

Anónimo. (1839). Conversación entre un zapatero y un agrícola de Facatativá sobre la cazería del Sábado Santo. Impreso por J. Ayarza. Repositorio Institucional de la Universidad EAFIT.

Genette, G. (1989). Figuras III. Lumen.

Red cultural del Banco de la República [Banrepcultural] (s.f.). Colección de Hojas Sueltas.

Sinclair, S. y Rockwell, G. (2021). Voyant Tools.

Souriau, É. (1998). Diccionario Akal de estética. Akal.

Vélez Cardona, A., Euse Lombo, M. C., Mejía Vélez, M. J., Osepa-Mazo, M.-G., Del Valle Uribe, M., Zuluaga Correa, S. y Suárez-Giraldo, C. (Eds.) (2020). Edición digital de “Conversación entre un zapatero y un agrícola de Facatativá sobre la cazería del Sábado Santo”.



How to Cite

Suárez Giraldo, C. (2020). Analysis of the Digital Edition of a Story from 19th Century through Voyant Tools . Publicaciones De La Asociación Argentina De Humanidades Digitales, 1, e008.