An exercise of mapping and digital visualization of travel narratives: The Diario del viaje de Montevideo a Paysandú by Dámaso Larrañaga, 1815




visualization, mapping, georeferencing, travel narratives, priest


This article presents a visualization exercise based on the Diario del viaje de Montevideo a Paysandú, a source written by the Priest Dámaso Antonio Larrañaga in 1815. It constitutes a general observation of the priest´s diary through a tool designed for visualizing stories in digital format, StoryMapJS. The organizing principle is based on a selection of geographical locations that were particularly significant to the way in which Larrañaga represents the spaces and places that he visited in his travel both in physical, natural or cultural terms. This is a first approach to this source that is part of a broader work on the study of space  in the Río de la Plata at the beginning of the 19th century and the role of ecclesiastical agents in territorial configurations.


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Retrato de Dámaso Larrañaga



How to Cite

Barral, M. E., & Santos, J. J. (2023). An exercise of mapping and digital visualization of travel narratives: The Diario del viaje de Montevideo a Paysandú by Dámaso Larrañaga, 1815. Publicaciones De La Asociación Argentina De Humanidades Digitales, 4(1), e046.