Possibilities of digital humanities in citizen science projects in Brazil and Portugal





Citizen Science, Open Science, Digital Humanities, Information and Communication Technologies


In the digital humanities, transdisciplinarity points to new methods, devices and research associated with the digital in the Humanities. This study analyzes social participation in scientific projects, a bias advocated by Citizen Science. The methodological procedures included the study of Citizen Science projects in Brazil and Portugal in the field of humanities. The Citizen Science digital platforms of these countries were used, in addition to the mapping of projects carried out by the Portuguese Citizen Science Network. The objective was to verify the forms of social participation provided by these projects, mediated by digital technologies. It was concluded that most of the initiatives are guided by collaborative, democratic and educational principles. In addition, the technologies used by the projects connect citizen scientists and researchers, which favors the realization of scientific processes and social integration through the process of co-creation of solutions.


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Author Biography

Fabiano Couto Corrêa da Silva, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul

Adjunct Professor, Department of Information Science/FABICO, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS)


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Participación social en iniciativas de Ciencia Ciudadana



How to Cite

Santos Witt, A., & Couto Corrêa da Silva, F. (2023). Possibilities of digital humanities in citizen science projects in Brazil and Portugal. Publicaciones De La Asociación Argentina De Humanidades Digitales, 4(1), e053. https://doi.org/10.24215/27187470e053