Sentiment Analysis in Translation: A Pilot Experiment for Multilingual DH Contexts




sentiment analysis, translation, Digital Humanities, textual analysis, Latin America literature


As a plenary speaker of the Fifth AAHD Congress, I presented several methodologies that I apply to literary studies experimentally. Using an experiment on sentiment analysis as an example, I justify the need to account for multilingual DH environments from my bilingual experience in the United States, within digital humanities in general and workshops to propose pilot experiments with existing methodologies, as prototypes to start working on text analysis in different languages. This article does not claim that the method used here is the best linguistic or cultural approach for sentiment analysis of Hispanic American cultural products. However, it defends the potential of exploring available techniques to create more inclusive spaces in rapid learning scenarios and in which, generally, the literary texts used belong to the Anglo-Saxon canon.


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Cuatro tramas de Frankenstein



How to Cite

Isasi, J. (2023). Sentiment Analysis in Translation: A Pilot Experiment for Multilingual DH Contexts. Publicaciones De La Asociación Argentina De Humanidades Digitales, 4(1), e051.