MiniFierro, the digital scholarly edition of the gaucho poem




Martín Fierro, digital edition , gaucho literature, TEI markup, close reading


In this work, we present the still-in-development digital scholarly edition of the Argentine poem The gaucho Martín Fierro, that is part of the projects of HD LAB, the Digital Humanities Lab at IIBICRIT (CONICET, Argentina). As it follows minimal computing standards, we have called it MiniFierro. The edition aims at celebrating the 150th anniversary of the first edition of the poem by José Hernández, and its main goal is to offer a review of the famous poem of Argentine literature from the perspective of Digital Humanities. Through XML-TEI markup, we seek to highlight the most striking aspects of its presentation and style, enhancing its first edition. Additionally, we aim to present from this research the differences between close and distant reading approaches, their pros and cons, and their relationship with our edition.


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Martín Fierro



How to Cite

Ryckeboer, M. A. (2024). MiniFierro, the digital scholarly edition of the gaucho poem. Publicaciones De La Asociación Argentina De Humanidades Digitales, 5, e061.