Stable isotope analysis in subadult individuals from the archaeological site Los Amarillos (Quebrada de Humahuaca, Jujuy)


  • Violeta Anahí Killian Galván INGEIS /UBA-CONICET
  • Verónica Seldes



We show the results of stable isotope analysis of the organic (δ13Cco y δ15N) and inorganic (δ13Cap) fractions of bone or dental remains of 22 sub-adult human individuals found in Los Amarillos archaeological site (Regional Development and Inca periods, province of Jujuy). For reference, longitudinal studies in current populations were considered, which showed that during the first months of life isotope composition values are affected by breastfeeding. These studies require that the age ranges of the individuals under analysis should be set with utmost precision, which is often difficult given the multiple taphonomic processes that may have fragmented the sample, as well as the limits of the analytical methods available. However, our results suggest that the sub-adult individuals analysed were weaned at a very early age, which could have favoured decreasing birth intervals. This evidence provides support to an earlier proposition that a demographic increase took place during the period of occupation of Los Amarillos.


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How to Cite

Killian Galván, V. A., & Seldes, V. (2017). Stable isotope analysis in subadult individuals from the archaeological site Los Amarillos (Quebrada de Humahuaca, Jujuy). Revista Argentina De Antropología Biológica, 19(2), 6.



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