Seed germination of Lotus tenuis: effect of pregerminative treatment, storage period and the role of the hard cover in the long term


  • Maria Isabel Lissarrague
  • Lisandro Entio
  • Rodrigo Altamirano
  • Mercedes Mujica



forages species, legumes, germination, seed conservation, hard seed


It was evaluated the effect of the mechanical scarification in two moments after harvest in the seed germination response of 23 genotypes of Lotus tenuis Waldst et Kit stored under laboratory conditions without scarification and the role of the hard covers on this response. A complete random design with three factors was used [genotypes, pregerminative treatment (E=scarified; NE=non-scarified) and storage period (t1=0.25 years; t2=22.5 años)] (n=4). The percentages of cumulative germination (Gac%) and of hard seeds (Sd%) were calculated. In t2, germination speed index (IVG) was calculated. A non-parametric ANOVA (Kruskal-Wallis) and comparison of medians were applied. In t2, correlation and regression simple were analyzed. The triple interaction was significant (p≤0,01) for both parameters. Gac% had higher values in the treatment E in t1 and lower values in treatment NE in t2. The factor genotype was significant (p≤0,01) for the treatment E in t2. Sd% had higher values in the treatment NE in t1 and lower values in the treatment E regardless the storage period. The factor genotype was significant (p≤0,01) for the treatment NE in t2. The correlations Sd% vs. Gac% and IVG were significant (p≤0,01) and positives. Simple regressions SD% vs. Gac% and Sd% vs. IVG were significant (p≤0,01). This study showed that scarification and storage period affect positively and negatively, respectively, the germinative behavior of the studied genotypes, that the softening of the hard cover is variable among genotypes, and that these hard cover would be linked to the preservation of the germinative capacity in the long term.


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How to Cite

Lissarrague, M. I., Entio, L., Altamirano, R., & Mujica, M. (2020). Seed germination of Lotus tenuis: effect of pregerminative treatment, storage period and the role of the hard cover in the long term. Journal of the Agronomy College, 119(1), 043.

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