Dialoguicity in agroecological rural extension processes: histories and ruptures between university extensionists and wine producers of the coast of Berisso (2000-2008)


  • Irene Velarde
  • Mariana Edith Marasas


Agreocology, investigation action, socio-territorial transformations


The Faculty of Agricultural and Forestry Sciences approached the wine producers of the coast of Berisso in 1999 with the proposal to constitute a group for its recovery. The original technical proposal was based on working from the agroecological paradigm that rescues the traditional knowledge, base of the sustainability of these productive systems. After nine years of continuity of projects with an agroecological approach, the experience was analyzed from the vision of wine producers and extensionists. The intervention is studied from complementary theoretical perspectives: agroecology that incorporates forms of collective social action which present alternatives to the current model of industrial management of natural resources through proposals arising from the endogenous community potential (Sevilla Guzman) and the Latin American Communication / education perspective (Paulo Freire, Jorge Huergo). The methodological strategy is the Case Study, based on data produced on primary information, gathered through qualitative techniques, during nine years of co-construction (wine producersuniversity), between 2000 and 2008. In 2017 a focus group was incorporated with winemakers and technicians, in order to evaluate the impact of the agroecological questions that arose from the Faculty. This research has allowed us to reflect on the agroecological practices of winemakers, their reaffirmations and transformations; on the practices of university extensionists within a dialogical approach. There were transformations of reality at the level of the "Locus of agroecological knowledge". The strengthening of traditional knowledge generated greater argumentation in all the vintners. The exogenous "agroecological" innovations were resisted in a majority group of vintners and identification was not achieved. This statement is linked to the hegemonic issues of extension systems, whether they are industrial or agroecological production, which are inclined to change their daily practices by others, which do not arise from the joint pronouncement of men, but usually assimilate to "donations from the extension agents".


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How to Cite

Velarde, I., & Marasas, M. E. (2018). Dialoguicity in agroecological rural extension processes: histories and ruptures between university extensionists and wine producers of the coast of Berisso (2000-2008). Journal of the Agronomy College, 116(3). Retrieved from https://revistas.unlp.edu.ar/revagro/article/view/6145