The mitotic index as an estimator parameter for tolerance to low temperature during germination of Zea mays


  • Silvia Elena Chorzempa
  • Omar Salvador Perniola
  • Sandra Marilín Moscheñski
  • César López
  • Francisco Pantuso
  • María del Carmen Molina


cold tolerance, maize, mitosis, germination, abiotic stress


To identify germplasms of maize (Zea mays L.) tolerant to low temperatures are used different techniques of measurement of various phenotypic characteristics. The mitotic index is a parameter poorly explored and of rapid determination, that could be very useful for this purpose. The aims of this study were: i) to evaluate the cold tolerance during germination of five lines of maize and a control, by measuring of mitotic index, germination power, relative germination rate, radicle length and relationship between the dry weight of the coleoptiles and roots and ii) to correlate the mitotic index with the other variables to determine the possibility of their use as estimator parameter of tolerance to low temperatures. Maize lines evaluated were: SC1, SC3, SC4, SC5, SC9 and the control Mo17. In laboratory, 50 seeds of each maize lines were seeded between papers and incubated at two thermal regimes: 15±1ºC/8±1ºC, 12h/12h light-dark, for 24 days (treatment at low temperatures) and 30±1ºC/20±1ºC, 12h/12h light-dark, for 10 days (control, at optimal temperatures). For each line was evaluated the performance to low temperatures by comparing the measured parameters in both thermal treatments. SC1 line was genotype with most cold tolerance during the germination process. The mitotic index was correlated with the other parameters and could be used as instrument to identify maize tolerant to low temperatures during germination.


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How to Cite

Chorzempa, S. E., Perniola, O. S., Moscheñski, S. M., López, C., Pantuso, F., & Molina, M. del C. (2018). The mitotic index as an estimator parameter for tolerance to low temperature during germination of Zea mays. Journal of the Agronomy College, 116(2). Retrieved from

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