Pampa cooperative, generacional replacement and rural diversity in the first decades of the century

A study of the Union Agricultural Cooperative of Justianiano Posse


  • Pedro Carricart Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias y Forestales, Universidad Nacional de La Plata, Argentina
  • Valeria Carricart Cooperativa Agropecuaria "Unión", Argentina
  • Christophe Albaladejo Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET), Instituto Multidisciplinario de Historia y Ciencias Humanas (IMHICIHU), Argentina



Agricultural cooperative, social actors, generational replacement, farmers typology, rural development


This research is based on an analysis of the transformations of the links between the agricultural cooperatives of the pampa region and their members, addressing this topic from the wider perspective of transformation of farmers’ relationship with "the associative world "and also with the local territory and agricultural activity. The focus is specifically on the generational replacement discussed in the following dimensions of farming activity : the private dimension (family diversity), the economic dimension (diversity of work) and the dimension of public life (diversity of the participation in the cooperative, and in other areas). In a context of profound transformations of farming and rural territories, especially in the core soya area of the pampa, the aim is to characterize the diversity of farmers related to cooperatives, their ways of managing farming activity and modes of participation, and what new styles are shaping these relationships with cooperatives. This range of diversity is crossed by the changes resulting from the generational replacement. We take the study case of the Union Cooperative of Justiniano Posse in the village of San Marcos, Córdoba province, in core soya area and which has made a demand for a research work on the topic of generational replacement in the organization and in farming activity. The research methodology is then part of on an "action research", especially the diagnostic part. In this way we hve been working with a database created on a reasoned sample of 50 active members of the cooperative in that locality.


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How to Cite

Carricart, P., Carricart, V. ., & Albaladejo, C. . (2019). Pampa cooperative, generacional replacement and rural diversity in the first decades of the century: A study of the Union Agricultural Cooperative of Justianiano Posse. Journal of the Agronomy College, 118(1), 1–17.