Call for manuscripts for the dossier "New perspectives for the study of early child development"


The Journal of Psychology announces that the call for manuscripts for the dossier "New perspectives for the study of early child development" is open. The dossier proposal was made to the Journal by Dr. Ana Moreno-Núñez (UAM, Spain). For more information regarding this dossier and to send manuscripts, we ask those interested to contact the editor of the Magazine ( or Dra. Moreno-Núñez (

Rationale of the dossier:

The first years of life of children are crucial, since they form the basis on which later milestones of human psychological development are based. The research of the last decades has given rise to theoretical, technical and methodological advances that have demonstrated the importance of culture and social relations for psychological development. The present monograph aims to include recent works that focus on describing the structure, organization and / or sociocultural dynamics that contribute to child psychological development from the beginning of life in all its aspects (e.g., the characteristics of social practices among equals, parents or educational). The invitation is open to both theoretical and empirical studies and does not dismiss any methodology for data analysis (i.e., quantitative and qualitative analyses will be accepted). The work is expected to contribute to elucidating how the construction and evolution of development processes occur throughout the life cycle. Likewise, this monograph aims to foster a space for discussion and dialogue between different disciplines interested in child development, given the growing interest in its implications and applications, to establish quality policies and practices for early childhood care and education.

The topics of interest for this monograph include (but are not limited to) the following:

- Cognitive development

- Emotional development

- Perception

- Motor development

- Socialization