Eros the memorious




love, memory, identity, Greek culture, Plato


The intertwining between love and memory is part of all human experience. Here, first, I tackle certain elements in Greek culture and especially in Platonic philosophy and show how they can help us to reflect on this universal experience. I address the link in Greek culture between memory, both as cultural heritage and as the faculty by which the mind stores and remembers information, and love as the emotion of falling love which also has political and cosmical implications. Secondly, I examine the Platonic conception of love as the strength of the desire which constitutes human existence and whose task of procreating in beauty contributes to shaping psychosomatic identity. Lastly, I tackle Plato´s developments regarding a very special kind of memory –reminiscencewhich implies the restoration of previous knowledge of the “matrix” of reality by means of love as a trigger for the recollection of eternal beauty in its purity.


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Author Biography

María Angélica Fierro, Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET, Argentina) / Universidad de Buenos Aires (Argentina)

Graduated as Profesora en Filosofía (Faculty of Arts, University of Buenos Aires); Doctor of Philosophy (University of Durham, United Kingdom); Associate Researcher at the National Council of Scientific and Technological Research (CONICET - Argentina); Assistant Lecturer in Ancient Philosophy, Faculty of Arts, University of Buenos Aires; Permanent Fellow at the Visiting Scholars Board, ARCHAI Unesco Chair (University of Brasilia); Representative for Latin America at the Board of SAGP (Society for Ancient Greek Philosophy). She did a two-years Postdoctoral Research Fellowship at the Institute of Philosophical Research (UNAM, Mexico). She has taught numerous undergraduate and graduate courses in her native country and abroad, and published several articles in scientific journals as well as chapters of books in Spanish and English, mainly regarding Plato´s philosophy. Her translation of Plato´s Phaedrus into Spanish with notes and commentary is soon to be published by Colihue Printing House, Buenos Aires, Argentina.


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How to Cite

Fierro, M. A. (2020). Eros the memorious. Journal of Psychology, 20(1), 243–255.