Caregiver sensitivity and attachment security in Ecuadorian preschoolers with ASD
caregiver sensitivity, attachment security, autism spectrum disorder, typical development, preschool childrenAbstract
The aim of the present study was to explore the association of the attachment security of a group of preschool-age children with mild to moderate autism spectrum disorder (ASD), with their caregiver figures’ sensitivity. The participants were 25 dyads of medium socioeconomic level, living in Quito, Ecuador, whose results were compared with those of a typical development group with similar sociodemographic characteristics, from a previous study. The instruments used were the Attachment Q-set (AQS) and the Maternal Behavior for Preschoolers Q-set (MBPQS) adapted to the typical population and with ASD from Ecuador. The results showed that between the two groups there were significant differences in the security of the children, but not in the sensitivity of their caregivers. In addition, statistically significant correlations between sensitivity and security were found in the group with ASD, as well as a significant predictive value of sensitivity on security. Findings are discussed.
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