Psychiatric disorders of the human-animal bond: Psychopathologies of the affection towards companion animals




companion animals, mental disorders, psychopathology, mental health, human-animal bond


The human-animal bond includes affectionate components and implies wellbeing for both (relationship) participants. This has recently received support from the scientific community, which highlights several secondary benefits for human health. However, there persists informally in the socio-culture a tendency to pathologize the emotional closeness with companion animals. Based on formal psychiatric categories and academic developments, we identify human mental disorders appeared in the relationship with animals. These include: 1. Animal hoarding disorder, 2. Persistent complex bereavement disorder due to the loss of animals, 3. Animal separation anxiety disorder, 4. Sexual attraction towardsanimals disorder. In none of these the excess of affection accounts for their development, on the contrary, these depend rather on bonding characteristics. We highlight the need of scientific research in psychiatry on the human-animal bond and propose interdisciplinary approach strategies.


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Author Biographies

Marcos Díaz Videla , Universidad de Flores (UFLO, Argentina)

Profesor Doctor en Psicología. Especialización en psicología sistémica. Docente de grado y doctorado en Universidad de Flores, y docente invitado en múltiples cursos de formación en Intervenciones Asistidas con Animales.

Paola Tamara Reyes Plazaola, Universidad de Flores (UFLO, Argentina)

Licenciada en Psicología con orientación en Educación, Profesora en Psicología, Diplomada en Terapia Sistémica Familiar, Doctoranda en Universidad de Flores, Docente en Universidad de Flores y Universidad Maimónides.


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How to Cite

Díaz Videla , M. ., & Reyes Plazaola, P. T. . (2021). Psychiatric disorders of the human-animal bond: Psychopathologies of the affection towards companion animals. Journal of Psychology, 21(1), 135–154.