Possible encounters with autism


  • Luz Elena Nueva Escuela Lacaniana (NEL, Medellín, Colombia) / Asociación Mundial de Psicoanálisis (AMP)




autism, defense, A-body, body affection


One of the elements that question analytic practice is the opposition between meaning and jouissance. This renews the question: how to make possible the encounter with the autistic person who is disconnected from the Other and from his or her own body? This question is to be inscribed in the Lacanian orientation and, in particular, in the practice with autistic children. The position of the analyst concerned is to be ready to read the symptom in each autistic person in order to enter into the reading of his subjectivity, into the suffering that inhabits him, and to read the manifestation of his defence in order not to enter into the discursive game. I use a clinical vignette with which I intend to examine: what would be an intervention taking into account the singularity of the autistic's body?


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Author Biography

Luz Elena, Nueva Escuela Lacaniana (NEL, Medellín, Colombia) / Asociación Mundial de Psicoanálisis (AMP)

Psicoanalista. Miembro de la Asociación de psicoanálisis. Miembro de la NEL-Medellín. Miembro del observatorio de autismo de la NEL. Secretaria del Directorio de la NEL-Medellin.


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How to Cite

Luz Elena. (2021). Possible encounters with autism. Journal of Psychology, 20(1), 63–69. https://doi.org/10.24215/2422572Xe117