Philosophical assumptions in developmental psychology: Meta theory or epistemic framework?
meta-theory, epistemic framework, presuppositions, developmental psychologyAbstract
We argue that a set of basic ontological and epistemological assumptions underlie developmental psychology research in terms of meta-theories (MT) and epistemic frameworks (EF). This raises some problems, among others: how are the assumptions integrated into the scientific process? How are the latter affected by ontological and epistemological standpoints? Do presuppositions remain unalterable or can they be modified during research? We will try to provide some answers. First, we characterize the category of MT proposed by Overton, and extended by Witherington and other authors. Then, we examine that of EF formulated by Piaget and García, revisited by Becerra and Castorina, introducing ethical-political values and social regulations. Later, we analyze the similarities and differences between MT, associated with the notion of paradigm, and EF, with a strong emphasis on ethical-political values and social regulation. Finally, we suggest the benefits for EFs to incorporate the conceptual analyses of MTs and for the latter to incorporate social conditions.
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