Family communication in the era of the void: New pathologies of problematic mobile phone use


  • Ofelia Rodríguez Sas Universidad de Flores (Argentina)
  • Lorena Cynthia Estrada Universidad de Flores (Argentina)



mobile phone, family communication, technoference, pathologies of civilisation


Today there are diverse family structures and dynamics.  Communication and affect are key factors on emotional and behavioural regulation in order to develop a healthy personality.  The technological revolution has had an undeniable influence on communication.  Mobile phones have the highest incidence on family dynamics, and even though they offer many advantages, they are also most commonly associated with maladaptive use.  Family relationships are mediated by the use of mobile phones.  A higher level of technoference is associated with a higher level of intrafamily conflict, which has a strong impact on socio-psycho-physical health, leading to pathologies such as: addiction, nomophobia, phantom vibration syndrome, FoMo, and phubbing.  Current pathologies of civilisation are characterised by a sense of hyper-expression and over-excitement which eventually become pathologies of the void.  It is concluded that encouraging healthy mobile phone use habits would improve communication and prevent technological interference from damaging the quality of life.


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Author Biography

Ofelia Rodríguez Sas, Universidad de Flores (Argentina)

Ofelia Rodríguez Sas.

Licenciada  y Doctora en Psicología. Tesis doctoral basada en el problema de la deserción de los alumnos universitarios, en cuyo trabajo de cambo se han estudiando a fondo sus vivencias y experiencias para describir sus “realidades”. Título de tesis: RETENCIÓN Y DESERCIÓN UNIVERSITARIAS. Realidades experienciadas por graduados y desertores de la Facultad de Psicología de la Universidad de Flores.

Terapeuta clínica. Especialista en Intervención psicológica en situaciones críticas, individuales y colectivas. Técnicas de Liberación Emocional (Terapia del Campo del Pensamiento) EFT/TFT. Terapeuta EMDR – EMDR Institute Inc. (USA) – SAPsi – Docente universitaria adjunta en las facultades de Psicología, Educación Física y Deporte, Contador y Administración de la Universidad de Flores (UFLO), desde 2004.


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How to Cite

Rodríguez Sas, O., & Estrada, L. C. (2019). Family communication in the era of the void: New pathologies of problematic mobile phone use. Journal of Psychology, 18(2), 105–123.