The misunderstanding as opportunity. A matter of words


  • Lucila Romero Colegio de Psicólogos y Psicólogas de la Pcia. de Buenos Aires - Distrito XI / HIGA San Martín de La Plata (Argentina)
  • Julieta Colegio de Psicólogos y Psicólogas de la Pcia. de Buenos Aires - Distrito XI (Argentina)
  • Marina Colegio de Psicólogos y Psicólogas de la Pcia. de Buenos Aires - Distrito XI / Subsecretaría de Derechos Humanos de la Pcia. de Buenos Aires (Argentina)



adolescence, sexuality and education, communication, misunderstanding


The present work will try to share an experience made in the community, which will foresee the strengthening of the institutional links of the College of Psychologists. This work was carried out by the Gender and Diversity Commission of the College of Psychologists of the Province of Buenos Aires, District XI. The intervention arose due to a request made by an extracurricular educational training institution of the community to the College of Psychologists. The Commission's work consisted of two approaches to the institution. As a punctual objective, during the meetings we proposed the possibility of encouraging each one to take the floor, to express their thoughts without being judged, nor segregated for being different, rescuing diversity, enhancing their capacities and adopting a critical stance before the reality they are going through, an openness that implies the meeting and the possibility of critically expressing their own thoughts without censorship.


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How to Cite

Romero, L., Julieta, & Marina. (2020). The misunderstanding as opportunity. A matter of words. Journal of Psychology, 19(1), 179–190.



Narrated reports of pedagogical and public outreach experiences