Questioned motherhood: Differences about beliefs towards motherhood in women


  • Nicole Obregón Universidad Iberoamericana (México)
  • Carolina Armenta Hurtarte Universidad Iberoamericana (México)
  • Daniela Harari Universidad Iberoamericana (México)
  • Regina Ortíz-Izquierdo Universidad Iberoamericana (México)



motherhood, culture, beliefs, attitudes, empowerment


Motherhood is considered as a natural feature of women and has been identified as a goal of life and developmental achievement. However, this social construction has been transformed over time by social and political factors that are possible to identify in social programs that promote empowerment of women and their participation in other social fields in order to improve their social disadvantage. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to assess whether there is an effect of empowerment and self-concept on beliefs about motherhood as a social duty and a sense of life. The results confirm that there is indeed an effect and, even it was possible to identify differences in women who want motherhood. These findings allow us to question the effect of cultural socialization as enculturation on a personal self-concept construction and personal reinterpretation as mothers.


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Author Biography

Carolina Armenta Hurtarte, Universidad Iberoamericana (México)

Academic of the Universidad Iberoamericana in the department of psychology in the research line ethnopsychology, gender and interpersonal relationships. Currently a teacher in the degree program in psychology, a doctorate in psychological research and a doctorate in critical gender studies. He completed his postdoctoral stay at the University of Arizona, finished his doctoral studies in social and environmental psychology at UNAM, where he also completed a bachelor's degree at the School of Psychology. These studies are strengthened by the Diplomas of Sexual Diversity: Construction and political uses of sexuality and Gender Relations, both endorsed by CIEG-UNAM and the Diploma of Introduction to Feminist Theory and Research given by CEIICH-UNAM. It also has training as a promoter of Human Rights. His subjects of interest in research are interactions in affective relationships such as friends, couple and family under a dyadic analysis in order to promote the health of people. These interests have allowed him to develop the lines of research concerning the Mexican cultural context from the analysis of cultural norms and beliefs; as well as elements of communication, interpersonal violence, sexualities, gender identities, and corporalities.


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How to Cite

Obregón, N. ., Armenta Hurtarte, C., Harari, D., & Ortíz-Izquierdo, R. (2020). Questioned motherhood: Differences about beliefs towards motherhood in women. Journal of Psychology, 19(1), 104–119.



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