Perfectionism and academic hardiness: a correlational study with students of the UNIMET


  • Leonardo Andrés Aguilar Durán Universidad Metropolitana (Venezuela)
  • Marilyn Yisneida Castellanos López Universidad Metropolitana (Venezuela)
  • Deysi María Romero Tizado Universidad Metropolitana (Venezuela)



perfectionism, academic hardiness, university students


The objective of this research was to analyze the relationship of perfectionism, as personality trait and in educational setting, with academic hardiness in university students. It was a non-experimental study, with a correlational-comparative and cross-sectional design. Two hundred seventy-three students (Mage = 20.6 ± 2.53) of the Metropolitan University (Caracas-Venezuela) participated. They all voluntarily answered three self-report instruments. Moderate levels of perfectionism and hardiness were found. Various differences are reported in the variables studied according to sex, quarterly period, level of preparation when entering university and scholarships received by students. In general, hardiness was positively associated with perfectionism and its adaptive dimensions, while it did not show relationships with its more maladaptive dimensions. This result supports the idea that perfectionism does not include only undesirable aspects, which is discussed within the framework of the negative view that has prevailed on perfectionism.


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Author Biography

Leonardo Andrés Aguilar Durán, Universidad Metropolitana (Venezuela)

Licenciado en Psicología (Mención: Psicología Clínica) por la Universidad Central de Venezuela (UCV) y Profesor egresado de la Universidad Pedagógica Experimental Libertador (UPEL), núcleo Instituto Pedagógico de Caracas (IPC). Ha ejercido la docencia en la Universidad Católica Andrés Bello (UCAB) y la Universidad Bicentenaria de Aragua (UBA). Sus publicaciones pueden leerse enésAguilar


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How to Cite

Aguilar Durán, L. A., Castellanos López, M. Y., & Romero Tizado, D. M. (2020). Perfectionism and academic hardiness: a correlational study with students of the UNIMET. Journal of Psychology, 19(2), 122–147.