Are temperament and kindergarten attendance related to social skills in the first years of life?

Temperament, daycare and social skills


  • Florencia Montenegro Universidad Abierta Interamericana - CONICET (Argentina)
  • Lucas Gustavo Gago Galvagno Universidad Abierta Interamericana - CONICET (Argentina)



Social Skills, Temperament, Daycare, Infancy


The objective of the following research was to evaluate the relationships between social skills, temperamental styles and attending kindergartens in the first years of life. The sample consisted of 102 primary caregivers of infants 18 to 48 months of age (M= 30.48 months; SD= 10.45). An ad-hoc questionnaire was administered, the Social Skills Scale adapted by Lacunza et al. (2009) and the Early Childhood Behavior Questionnaire (ECBQ-VSF; Rothbart et al., 2001). Associations were found between temperamental styles and social skills, but not with regard to daycare attendance. If it concludes that the individual differences of the infants would be contributing to their way of interrelating, and that they necessarily need to collect information regarding the quality of the material gardens for the variations found, since in this age range social behaviors are still very variable and volatile.


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How to Cite

Montenegro, . F. ., & Gago Galvagno, L. G. (2020). Are temperament and kindergarten attendance related to social skills in the first years of life? Temperament, daycare and social skills. Journal of Psychology, 19(2), 107–121.