Interconsultation in the Field of Music Therapy in Medicine


  • Virginia Tosto Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBA) Universidad Nacional de Tres de Febrero (UNTREF)


interdiscipline, communication, inferences, vocabulary, specificity


This paper proposes a reflection on consultation, considering it as the practice through which members of a health team capture the interdisciplinary perspective on clinical activity. Our attention is focused on the disciplinary specificity and precision of the vocabulary as essential notes of the information required for the consultation to form itself as a valuable activity. The value of having notions from logic and discourse analysis to address the issue of disciplinary specificity is recognized. It is understood that the analysis of the arguments with which music therapists justify the implementation of strategies can show: a) fallacies on the appeal to the authority (of a prestigious theory or colleague in the professional community), b) the degree of rigor in accepting major premises, and c) the strength of the clues that are used to establish analogies, correlates or correspondences. The following conditions are recognized for the use of a disciplinary vocabulary that possesses precision: to explain the place that Music Therapy holds within the institutional organization, to have updated information about the field of applying, and to fully know the treatment plan for the patient. Finally, it is proposed that it would be a mistake to think that the elucidation of the problems stated is exclusively an individual responsibility of each music therapist. Quite the contrary, it is stated that they should be a concern of educational institutions, associations, and groups that bring together professionals and students.


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How to Cite

Tosto, V. (2019). Interconsultation in the Field of Music Therapy in Medicine. ECOS - Revista Científica De Musicoterapia Y Disciplinas Afines, 4(1), 56–70. Retrieved from



Artículo de Reflexión