Receptive music therapy: Vibroacoustic experience in stress level variability

Music therapy and stress


  • Hernán Soto Lopetegui Universidad del Salvador (USAL). Centro Vibro
  • Gonzalo D’Alessandro Universidad del Salvador (USAL). Centro Vibro
  • Camila Pfeiffer Universidad del Salvador (USAL). ArtEZ University of the Arts
  • Jorge Zain Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBA). Centro Vibro


stress, self-perception, physiology, music therapy, vibroacoustics


Stress is considered a psychophysiological reaction of the organism as an adaptive response to complex environmental situations. In recent years, various therapies have been implemented that help reduce people's stress levels through non-invasive or pharmacological techniques and treatments. The objective of this study was to investigate the effect of the vibroacoustic approach on the level of psychophysiological stress, for which the voluntary participation of 15 young adults who agreed to take part on a vibroacoustic experience, allowed the researchers to measure the level of stress before and after the musical activity. Statistical analyzes of the data obtained were made that enable to identify an improvement in subjective state regarding stress but not on physiological variables. This preliminary study establishes a first approach to research on the vibroacoustic effect on stress parameters.


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How to Cite

Soto Lopetegui, H., D’Alessandro, G., Pfeiffer, C., & Zain, J. (2019). Receptive music therapy: Vibroacoustic experience in stress level variability: Music therapy and stress. ECOS - Revista Científica De Musicoterapia Y Disciplinas Afines, 4(1), 1–22. Retrieved from



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