"Escans (c) ion": from suffering to artistic work


  • Javier Carlos Torres


transference, songs, law, stabilization, music therapist, psychoanalysis


The essay proposes to ponder points of the stabilization process of a patient´s psychosis, which was deployed around three intervention pillars: song composition, plastic work and the elaboration of a set of rules, all elements linked between each other. The way to the cure was sustained from the space of Music Therapy and articulated with professionals from other areas of the institutional context. The effect of quietude on the relation to the Other was palpable, but not without fluctuations. The staging of the elements of creative order, centrally in the field of sound-music, was sustained and caused in the transferential plane. The objects voice and look occupied a nodal role in the case as points of work, in a titulable movement from the suffering to the artistic work.


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How to Cite

Torres, J. C. (2017). "Escans (c) ion": from suffering to artistic work. ECOS - Revista Científica De Musicoterapia Y Disciplinas Afines, 2(1), 24–45. Retrieved from https://revistas.unlp.edu.ar/ECOS/article/view/10512