Un feliz cumpleaños ¿En si, si#o si#?

Nota acerca de un recorte clínico en Musicoterapia


  • Javier Carlos Torres Universidad del Salvador (USAL).




invitation, children´s clinic, choice


There are situations in the context of clinical care in Music erapy that, in a way, are located on the edge of the office space. One of them, about which this work is concerned, is linked to receiving the invitation to attend a patient's birthday, with the consequent need to put into play some type of response from the professional, which will not be without consequences: be affirmative, negative or evasive. Based on the formulation of a series of questions that arose in the face of a situation of this nature, I try to give the question the clinical character that I believe it deserves since, although it does not take place inside the office, not for that reason it lacks the conditions and directions that it seeks to sustain.


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Torres, J. C. (2020). La demanda en Musicoterapia. ECOS - Revista Científica De Musicoterapia Y Disciplinas Afines, 5(1), pp. 30-46. Recuperado a partir de https://revistas.unlp.edu.ar/ECOS/article/view/10399



How to Cite

Torres, J. C. (2021). Un feliz cumpleaños ¿En si, si#o si#? : Nota acerca de un recorte clínico en Musicoterapia. ECOS - Revista Científica De Musicoterapia Y Disciplinas Afines, 6(1), 001. https://doi.org/10.24215/27186199e001