Experiencia de Musicoterapia Comunitaria en Mujeres con un Embarazo en Conflicto en Tiempos de Covid


  • Andres Felipe Salgado Vasco Universidad Nacional de Colombia
  • Ana María Rodríguez Barreto Universidad Nacional de Colombia




musicoterapia comunitaria, mujeres gestantes, Covid-19


Thee gestation is generally associated to the meaning of being a woman. However, some of them have to face poor situations during this process, that prevent or hinder the possibility of assuming their motherhood. This can cause a conflict and, in some cases, they have to choose adoption as the best alternative. La Casa de la Madre y el Niño is an institution that, since 1942, has offered comprehensive accompaniment and, through adoption, has enabled that many children have gotten a family, which let them see life through the eyes of love. The story of this experience framed in this context describes a community music therapy process developed in the practice of Laboratory II of the Music erapy Master’s degree of Universidad Nacional de Colombia. This process was developedfrom four main music therapy experiences (improvisation, composition, recreational and receptive). To the follow up were used qualitative research tools (theoretical and practical foundations are included in this writing). The observation of this process showed that, through the sessions, a group structure (ritual) was established, direct and undifferentiated relationships (communitas) were encouraged, emotional expression and musicking were facilitated. 


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How to Cite

Salgado Vasco, A. F., & Rodríguez Barreto, A. M. (2022). Experiencia de Musicoterapia Comunitaria en Mujeres con un Embarazo en Conflicto en Tiempos de Covid. ECOS - Revista Científica De Musicoterapia Y Disciplinas Afines, (Especial), 022. https://doi.org/10.24215/27186199e022


