Why did architecture built by the Argentinean State between 1930 and 1943 stopped being “infamous”?. Contributions from a renewed historiographic field


  • Cecilia Parera Facultad de Arquitectura, Diseño y Urbanismo. Universidad Nacional del Litoral, Rosario


Historiography, Argentina, Public architecture, 1930


In the last decades, the heterogeneity and depth achieved by the revision of the great stories built around the architectural production of the fi rst half of the twentieth century have opened unprecedented possibilities for particular inquiries. With this promising frame, this paper intends to analyze the dis-placements in the critical valuation of buildings designed and built in Argentina by the State between 1930 and 1943, recognizing that this matter has not been systematically studied yet. This philological route poses methodologically as a specifi c cognitive exercise, which far from intending a unifying or homogeneous reading, will focus on recognizing the different edges that the historiographic discourse has produced from the initial rigid rejection to the current comprehension of its complexity, emphasizing the comprehension of the context of its transformations.


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Author Biography

Cecilia Parera, Facultad de Arquitectura, Diseño y Urbanismo. Universidad Nacional del Litoral, Rosario

Es Arquitecta (UNL) y Doctora en Arquitectura (UNLP). Es profesora adjunta ordinaria e investigadora del área de historia de la Arquitectura (FADU UNL). Su línea de trabajo se centra en los procesos de modernización y sus expresiones arquitectónicas desde principios del siglo XX, con un particular interés por el accionar del Estado. Ha publicado diversos capítulos de libros y artículos, así como participado en reuniones científicas nacionales e internacionales relacionadas con estas temáticas.



How to Cite

Parera, C. (2015). Why did architecture built by the Argentinean State between 1930 and 1943 stopped being “infamous”?. Contributions from a renewed historiographic field. Estudios Del hábitat, 13(2), 101–109. Retrieved from https://revistas.unlp.edu.ar/Habitat/article/view/1173


