The Stasi on Pinterest: Notes on memory, images and aestheticization
memory, images, aestheticization, DGR, PinterestAbstract
In this article we aim to analyze three sites of memory of the German Democratic Republic (GDR), namely the Stasi Archive in Rostock (Stasi-Unterlagen-Archiv Rostock), the "Baltic Sea Watchtower" on the former border between the German Democratic Republic and the Federal Republic of Germany in Kühlungsborn (Ostsee-Grenzturm Museum) and the Berlin-Hohenschönhausen Memorial (Gedenkstätte Berlin- Hohenschönhausen). We argue, based on this analysis, that the material universe of these sites of memory and the images they construct about the past not only reflect the tensions that populate the collective memory about the communist past, but also contribute to constructing it by activating a particularly powerful visual narrative in the present that dialogues with other aesthetics that circulate within the framework of the Ostalgie phenomenon and the dynamics of social media.
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