Wright between dividing walls. Rubén O. Pesci and the organic domesticity in La Plata housing from 1964-1968
Organicism, Domestic architecture, City, Frank Lloyd Wright, Rubén O. PesciAbstract
Architect Rubén O. Pesci is mainly recognized for his long career in sustainable urban planning or
“urban ecology”. In the 60’s, he designed several houses that contributed to the transformation of
domestic architecture and new spatial experimentations based on the organic concept arisen at
the School of Architecture and Urbanism of La Plata.
Pesci’s works had the architect Frank Lloyd Wright as the main reference, they were originally conceived
for a specific place. A few years later, Pesci reinterpreted and theorized about his work following
different theories that had been introduced into the discipline and which caused to change
his interests.
This article proposes a review about the first houses built by the architectural office created by R. O.
Pesci, Héctor A. Rossi and Luis M. Rossi. In order to understand the contributions two premises are
analyzed; the overcoming relationship of a dividing wall for the creation of dynamic spaces in order
to adapt wrightian models to limited conditions of urban land, and the interior spatiality promoted
by the house as the main and central element of the organic origin.
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