
  • Mirta Gavilán Facultad de Psicología, Universidad Nacional de La Plata


pandemic, guidance, ICTs, disruptive virtuality


The present work appears as a result of some questions emerging at the guidance field in times of the deep changes due to the pandemic caused by COVID-19. Some considerations revealed by national and foreign intellectuals related to the preventive and compulsory social isolation were selected. In view of consultations on guidance specific issues, two analysis levels have been taken into account: A) The future choices of the young, or of population groups who are in the position to choose; and how to support them in making personal, educational, labor and social projects. B) The differences between communication and information technologies and what we have called disruptive virtuality. Regarding this second topic, it arises as a consequence of the confinement and care that in this case implies the isolation and other ways of cultural, academic and political interventions due to the COVID-19 effects. In other words, it is about the massive inclusion of educational, professional, training and consumer activities through the web. Considering this modality, the main way of communication and interaction is through virtuality, generating a new way of inclusion which is diverse in itself.

An analysis of both mentioned topics is performed, taking into account their positive and negative aspects which give arise to the final conclusions of this work.


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Author Biography

Mirta Gavilán, Facultad de Psicología, Universidad Nacional de La Plata

Doctor in Psychology.
Director of the Specialization Career in Educational and Occupational Guidance.
Postgraduate Secretary, National University of La Plata.
President of the Ibero-American Association for Educational and Labor Orientation (AIdOEL).


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How to Cite

Gavilán, M. (2020). THE GUIDANCE BETWEEN PANDEMIC AND THE FUTURE. Orientación Y Sociedad, 20(1), e018. Retrieved from