Orientation Program for Seniors


  • Natalia Ciano Universidad Nacional de La Plata, Argentina




aging, guidance, projects, extension, program


Based on the research that resulted in the doctoral thesis Specific guidance process for older adults (Ciano, 2018), an intervention proposal was developed and implemented in the Centro de Orientación Vocacional Ocupacional of the Facultad de Psicología of the Universidad Nacional de La Plata to accompany this population in the elaboration and realization of educational, personal, labor and/or social projects” and thus promote active and healthy aging. Said intervention is designed on the basis of the articulation of two models: the theoretical operative model in orientation (Gavilán, 2006) and the active aging model (Organización Mundial de la Salud, 2002). Given the novelty of the proposal, this program is offered as a flexible intervention that can be adapted according to the context and scope of application, taking institutional aspects into account for said adaptation, as well as considering that most of the techniques in guidance have been developed for adolescents, with which they must also be adapted. Regarding the context, the COVID-19 pandemic has introduced the virtual modality in many activities, and some older people have used technology with satisfactory results, so it is proposed as a possible modality in this case, with the necessary adjustments


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Author Biography

Natalia Ciano, Universidad Nacional de La Plata, Argentina

Doctora, licenciada y profesora en Psicología, especialista en Orientación Educativa y Ocupacional (Universidad Nacional de La Plata) y docente de Psicología Preventiva, UNLP.


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How to Cite

Ciano, N. (2022). Orientation Program for Seniors. Orientación Y Sociedad, 22(2), e055. https://doi.org/10.24215/18518893e055



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