Institutional Space of Accompaniment in Music


  • María Guadalupe Segalerba Bachillerato de Bellas Artes, Universidad Nacional de La Plata



learning difficulties, mediation, pedagogical relationship, explanation, musical learning


Our topic of interest is the study of the student as a learning subject, especially in cases of difficulties that are not resolved in group classes, and considering both musical practice and cognition. We observe that these difficulties produce worries and concerns and tend to underestimate the student's own perceptions of himself. Within an institutional space, we accompany each of these educational trajectories in moments of greatest difficulty, collaborating with teachers in the Field of Specific Training to strengthen the construction of a musical learning that includes and prioritizes the affective sphere.


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How to Cite

Segalerba , M. G. . (2020). Institutional Space of Accompaniment in Music. Plurentes. Artes Y Letras, (11), 011.



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