Cats, rabbits, and the sphinx: Two debates on reading in the digital age




book, digital text, digital humanities, modalities of reading, Fabián Casas


With his article “Is Google Making Us Stupid?” (2008), Carr sparked a debate about the harmful effects that new technologies were beginning to have on readers in the digital age. Responses to this position highlighted the virtue of the new scenario in giving readers the freedom to choose what and how to read. This paper reviews the positions taken in the debate through the lens of the history of reading and analyzes reflections by writer Fabián Casas on new forms of writing and reading which can be interpreted in light of the northern debate.


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How to Cite

Kein, M. (2024). Cats, rabbits, and the sphinx: Two debates on reading in the digital age. Plurentes. Artes Y Letras, (15), 084.



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