China and the art of (technological) war


  • Sergio Marcelo Cesarin Consejo nacional de Investigaciones científicas y técnicas (CONICET)
  • Gabriel Balbo Universidad Nacional Arturo Jauretche



science, alliances, technological power, business, innovation, geopolitics


China is on the way to become a technological power in the mid-21st Century. This process is based on four pillars: sustained increase in science and technology development budget allocations, its direct link to innovation strategies to increase productivity and upkeep exploration competitiveness, high-tech firm creation and internationalization, and national goals aimed at closing the gap between domestic S&T capacities and those of the more advanced developed Asian and Western economies. Over four decades, pro-market reforms have confirmed this path, towards transformation and capacity building in cutting edge technological sectors. Strategic tensions with the United States speed up this race and confirm China´s national goals for its companies to take the lead in artificial intelligence (AI), telecommunications and 5G networks.


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Author Biography

Gabriel Balbo, Universidad Nacional Arturo Jauretche

Magister en Estudios para el Desarrollo por la Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona, Posgraduado en Desarrollo Humano por FLACSO, Diplomado en Ciencias Económicas de la UNLP. Docente investigador de la UNLP y UNAJ. Campo de estudio: Tecnología y Geopolítica.
Profesor Adjunto de Vigilancia Tecnológica e Inteligencia Competitiva en la UNAJ. A cargo del Programa RADAR VTIC. Docente de Inteligencia Competitiva y Económica en UNLP.
Director de ESPADE


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How to Cite

Cesarin, S. M., & Balbo, G. (2020). China and the art of (technological) war . International Relations, 29(59), 110.


