The strategic importance of the Arctic in maritime geopolitics




Geopolitic, Artic, maritime routes, global warming, structural realism, maritime security, international structure


As a consequence of the polar melting suffered in recent years due to global warming, the Arctic sea route has gained importance over the more traditional routes, including the passage through the Straits of Malacca and Suez. According to the studies carried out by Nature Climate Change (2020), by 2035 it is expected that the so-called Northern route may be fully available for the transport of goods, due to the increase in temperatures and the disappearance of important polar ice caps. This article aims to describe the geopolitical relevance of the Arctic region for the coastal states: Canada, Denmark, the United States, Norway and Russia, as well as the claims over it in the coming years not only by the the Arctic’s Five but also by such other powers as China, which –while it is not a coastal country– has clear objectives regarding the area. Through documentary research on the priorities of these States, the strategic programs on the region and using the theory of structural realism as a framework of analysis, it is reported how the coastal countries of the North Pole have established actions from different spheres to achieve their objectives based on their capabilities within the international structure.


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Author Biography

Silvia Marina Rivas de Hernández, Universidad de El Salvador

Degree in International Relations from the University of El Salvador, Master in Security, Peace and International Conflicts from the University of Santiago de Compostela in Spain.
Professor at the School of International Relations of the University of El Salvador.


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How to Cite

Rivas de Hernández, S. M. (2021). The strategic importance of the Arctic in maritime geopolitics. International Relations, 30(61), 140.