A decade after the Arab Spring: Where is the Arab world going?


  • Zidane Zeraoui Tecnológico de Monterrey




Arab Spring, Islamists, army, demonstrations, marches, authoritarianisms


This essay constitutes an analysis of the Arab Spring at its ten-year anniversary and seeks to provide an understanding of the real changes that have taken place. The first observation is that, despite the many marches and demonstrations, the fall of the leaders was achieved, yet the system remained intact. The same elites return to power in some cases and in others, they are the only two organized forces that take control of the governmental apparatus: the Islamist movements, on the one hand, or the army, on the other. This diagnosis makes it clear that the Arab Spring has not responded to the hopes of the Arab masses. However, the process is not over as the marches in 2019 and again in 2021 have shown.


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Author Biography

Zidane Zeraoui, Tecnológico de Monterrey

Profesor-investigador del Departamento de Relaciones Internacionales del Tecnológico de  Monterrey, director de la Cátedra de investigación "Regionalización y cooperación internacional" y autor de varios libros sobre temas internacionales.


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How to Cite

Zeraoui, Z. (2021). A decade after the Arab Spring: Where is the Arab world going?. International Relations, 30(60), 123. https://doi.org/10.24215/23142766e123